The Dawn Network Forum Protocol


A Forum Node advertises its presence and nodes regularly evaluate their proximity in terms of times of transit relative to each other, as well as the identity of the operator of the node.

  1. Operator
    Account responsible for operating node and who receives messages at this node

  2. Addresses
    List of addresses from Archives format where this node is reachable from the internet

  3. Expiry
    Date and time when this advertisment will expire automatically and need to be renewed


A post is an original post made in reference to nothing specified. It is simply a payload of UTF-8 characters.

  1. Payload String of UTF-8 characters


A reference is the cluster of 3 data points that makes a unique key for a message

  1. Author UUID of Author of post
  2. Datestamp Datestamp on published post
  3. Message Hash of message being referred to


An edit is a post in diff format against the original referenced post by an account authorised to make such a post

  1. Ref
    The message reference

  2. Diff
    The diff-formated changes to the post


The transfer of ownership and write permissions on a post to another account

  1. Ref
    The message reference

  2. NewOwner
    The new owner - the old owner loses owner and write permissions


Granting write permissions on a post

  1. Ref
    The message reference

  2. Grantee
    The UUID of the account that can now post edits on this message


Revoking write permissions on a post

  1. Ref
    The message reference

  2. Revokee
    The UUID of the account that can no longer post edits on this message

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